St John Lutheran Church

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Welcome to the St. John Lutheran Church Website!
IMPORTANT - Pastor's dad, Chuck Jones, has graciously offered to create and maintain a YouTube site which contains all of the Sunday sermons.  Please press the connection button right below to take you to the You Tube site where the videos are stored.  Or, for the newest videos, continue to look below on this page.
Lent Services:  In addition to the regular Sunday Services, we will be celebrating Lent with Wednesday Night Services on March 26th, and April 2nd, and 9th at 7 p.m.  We will have Lenten Meals starting at 5:45 p.m.  Pastor Michael will be performing dramatic presentations of the early ministry of Lutheran theologian Reinhold Niebuhr; tying them together with the Lenten themes from Sundays and Seasons.
Sunday, March 30th:
2nd Lesson (Read by Sue Rosenak):
1st Lesson (Read by Sue Rosenak):
Update Notice:  
This web page was updated on March 30th, 2025.

Note:  Please know that you can download and SAVE all videos from this website onto the hardrive of your computer for you to keep and replay as many times, and whenever, you want.  This way you can avoid slow download times and not have to worry about interrupted or non-functional video.  If you save it on your computer you can play it back in proper time on any video-playing software which should already be on your computer.  
Saving Instructions :
1) Left-Click on the video to start it.  
2)  While it is running, Right-Click on it to bring up a menu.  
3)  On that menu, left-click on Save Video As...
   4)  Pick a place to save the video file on your computer (on the menu which has just come up.)
5)  Left-click on the Save box to start saving.
6)  Left-Click on the video on the website to Pause it. (Speeds up download time.)
7)  When video is totally downloaded, double-left-click on video File (where you saved it in Step 4) and it will start.
Sunday Morning Activities:
8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Worship Services - Pastor Michael Jones - Scripture Readings, Choir Performance, Holy Communion, Sermon Message

9:00 a.m.
Donut and Coffee (beverages) Hour

9:15 a.m.
Adult and Young People Sunday School Class

Church Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Call Dee Dee at (309) 697-1440

Pastor Michael's
In-Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
9 a.m. - 12 Noon

In Case of Emergency -
(309) 357-3864 Cell & Text
Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
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